Thursday 9/20 class exercise
The Wikipedia article I chose to judge is Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.
Evaluation of Sources:
- Link to DC Council Members page was broken, had to redirect to the DC Council home page. Had to poke around the site to find the current council member for Ward 6. Site was cumbersome to use.
- The link to will probably be useful for my research but the cite had some issues. For one, it wasn’t readily apparent when they came into existence. It was clear that it is a group of businesses uniting to improve the “Front” as they call it. The .org domain does give it a certain amount of credibility. They blog regularly about projects etc.
- A Transformed Neighborhood Awaits Stadium and Contesting a Stadium’s Power were Washington Post articles from August 15, 2005 and February 20, 2006, respectively, and appear to be reliable. The articles will be quite useful.
- was interesting and many of the references refer back to it. It is run by a private citizen who lives near the park and has been tracking the changes to the area. The site lists numerous awards it has received and is sited on other resource sites, including the Washington Post. It appears to be very credible. It was last updated on 19 September 2012. This site could be very helpful in my research.
Most of the 19 sources cited referred back to those listed above. Based on the sampling of the resources I cited and looked into, I would say that the resources were credible and current and from a wide range of interests and backgrounds.
External links:
- A Neighborhood’s Evolution is an interactive map by the Washington Post displaying what type of projects are planned where, from parks to retail to government buildings. The site didn’t look quite right but was usable.
- was cited several times in the Resources Section
- was also cited several times in the Resources.
The external sources were repeats of the Resources list.
Evaluation of Discussion
There was no blog talk on this page and it hasn’t been updated since 28 July 2012.
History Evaluation
There was steady input on the page from 8 December 2006 until 24 July 2009, at which point the the updates slowed to fits and starts averaging out to changes every 2 or 3 months with the last one occurring on 28 July 2012 . I was surprised there wasn’t a separate page covering the renovation of the waterfront area or at least more interest in updating the site. It is possible that there have not been any new businesses etc to open since the last update.
So while the webpages for the resources/external links are current, this article itself is not quite as current, despite the ongoing nature of the changes happening near the Navy Yard. If I had to give the page a letter grade, I’d give it a B, deducting points for the broken link, lack of blog, and the lack of recent activity on the site.
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